Why did sage Bhrigu kick Lord Vishnus chest

Why did sage Bhrigu kick on Lord Vishnu’s chest?

In the celestial realms, Maharishi Bhrigu, known as the mind-born son (Manas Putra) of Lord Brahma, embarked on a quest to unravel the mystery of the supreme among the divine trinity—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Legend has it that during a gathering of sages near the Saraswati River, a debate arose about determining the greatest among the Tridev

Failing to reach a consensus, the wise sages appointed Maharishi Bhrigu to conduct a test.

Approaching Brahma first, Bhrigu neither offered salutations nor praised him. Brahma, incensed by this disrespect, flared up in anger. 

However, recognizing Bhrigu as his own progeny, Brahma managed to subdue his rage.

Next in line was Lord Shiva, whose divine abode on Mount Kailash awaited Bhrigu’s arrival. 

To Bhrigu’s surprise, Shiva greeted him with a welcoming demeanor. 

The Lord even opened his arms for an embrace, demonstrating his serene composure.

Yet, Maharishi Bhrigu declined the gesture, accusing Shiva of transgressions against dharma and the sanctity of the Vedas. 

Despite Shiva’s attempt to pacify him, Bhrigu remained steadfast in his judgment.

The culmination of Bhrigu’s divine test occurred when he visited Lord Vishnu in Vaikuntha. 

Finding the Supreme God reclining with Devi Lakshmi, Bhrigu, in a fit of anger, kicked Vishnu on the chest. 

Remarkably, Vishnu remained unperturbed and calmly addressed Bhrigu, expressing concern for his well-being.

Vishnu’s response touched the sage deeply, causing him to realize the depth of the Lord’s love and devotion to dharma. 

Overwhelmed with remorse, Bhrigu realized the error in his judgment and sought forgiveness.

This incident led to a significant revelation among the sages. Bhrigu shared his experiences, emphasizing Vishnu’s unwavering adherence to righteousness. 

The sages, in awe and conviction, accepted Lord Vishnu as the Supreme Being.

Maharishi Bhrigu’s divine test not only showcased the tolerance of the Divine Trinity but also reaffirmed the belief that, among them, Lord Vishnu stood as the embodiment of righteousness and devotion. 

This ancient tale continues to resonate as a reminder of the enduring power of virtue.

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